Endorsed by the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission
> The Journal News
> Rotella interdistrict Magnet School
> Student Letter 1
> Student Letter 2
Abe Lincoln: “From Railsplitter To President”
Endorsed by the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission! In this interactive, dramatic program, actor-storyteller Lou Del Bianco portrays Abraham Lincoln as Civil War President, frontiersman and storyteller. Lincoln’s values…honesty, education, equity, inclusion, social justice and perseverance shine through this dynamic new presentation. Authentic historical quotations are used throughout; (handouts available). Gettysburg Address for older students. VIRTUAL PROGRAM AVAILABLE!
Lou can do a ZOOM style performance or provide a fully produced pre-recorded show. The show can be viewed in it’s entirety or broken up into short snippets for more flexible viewing! Click below to watch a preview:
Programs for grades preK-2, 3-5 and 6-8. Study guide available.
New show for adults! Contact Lou for details
Great For: | ||
• Start of the year kick-off in Sept. • Grace Bedell Letter to Abe in Oct. • Election day / Gettysburg Address in Nov. • Black History Month in Jan. |
• Presidents Week in Feb. • End of Civil War in April • Memorial Day in May • Flag Day in June |
or any time of year! | ||